A Better Future Starts with Education

A better future starts with investing in talented pupils today! Please help us in our mission to raise support for The McNeil Scholar Program-Detroit. This prestigious scholarship is awarded to promising graduates of Detroit Public School District and who are in a path towards higher education at an accredited institution of higher education in Michigan or to one of the five United States Military Academies.

This scholarship awards between $500 – $5000 annually to exceptional students.  Over the years the cost of education has high-skyrocketed. Today the average cost of higher education at a public institution comes in at around $20,000, while at a private institution it is $46,000 per year. We want to make sure that the most promising minds of our state and our town are given the chance to excel.

Helping those with fewer resources is imperative to build a better and more equitable society for future generations. We believe that every graduate should be given the chance to attend university, regardless of their or their family’s ability to pay. Join us in investing in the future of our kids!

Each time you recommend a friend, family member, or co-worker to us for a no-obligation quote, we pledge to donate $10! Yes, that is for EACH friend. What do you say? Are you ready to change the future of our graduates?


To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE

