Providing Visually-Impaired Children With Braille Books

Seedlings Braille Books for Children is a local non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the opportunity for literacy by providing high quality, low cost braille books for children.

Seedlings contributes to literacy by providing visually impaired children equal opportunity to develop the love of reading. At this time, less than 20% of the 50,000 blind children in the United States are proficient in braille. Seedlings gives away about half of their books and sells the rest for a fraction of what it costs to make them, so they can use all the help they can get.

This spring, Seedlings will have their 30th Annual Bowling for Braille Books event on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at Merri-Bowl Livonia.

Recommend your friends, family and co-workers to get an insurance quote from us and we’ll donate $10 for every person you recommend! It’s that easy!!!

They just need to receive a quote – no obligation to purchase.

Getting involved has never been so simple, or Free!

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE

